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Look out for our new sensor unit!

A new look and behind the shell you will find our new sensor generation. To be launched in June at the UITP summit in Stockholm

This is our message at UITP

Made in Sweden 

but you might not be ready for it!


Operators of Public transportation in Sweden have to prove they check that every driver is sober before they get behind the wheel.That is a requirement of the procurement process. Traditional alcohol testing methods are slow, hard to use, intrude on personal integrity and require regular calibration.

Senseair SafeStart is changing the process with an invisible sensor technology. We have eliminated all excuses to raise the security bar. 

SafeStart does more than check your driver. With this system nobody can start the vehicle unless they are qualified as the right person, with the right permission and in the right condition.

We have two booths this year, opposite each other. One where you will be able to find out if your country is the next for us to introduce this brand-new technology. Come and visit us and you will get a secret tool that will help you to reach big goals. The other booth is there for you to check the new technology for yourself!

Look for more information at UITP site


Låt oss mötas!

Det är fantastiskt att få erbjuda något som var omöjligt igår. Utmaningen är att förklara hur enkelt det är. Därför är vårt råd att du kontaktar oss så får vi visa hur det fungerar. Det kan börja med ett telefonsamtal där du bara vill ha svar på några frågor. Eller så kommer vi och lyssnar och hittar en lösning.