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Welcome to the next generation of alcohol sensors. A touch-free system that simplifies work and contributes to increased security.


Our connected sensors can be used as stationary check-in systems or in vehicles. By checking in on any of these devices, you ensure that it is the right driver with the right competence and in the right condition who will operate the vehicle. It takes 9 seconds ...






All our devices have a scan function, so the driver can be identified. The RFID tag opens the sensor and connects to our cloud service.



Just breathing on a sensor is so easy that it can be hard to understand until you try it yourself. No deep breaths, no blows, no touch points. Incredibly hygienic.



If the driver has been tested in the morning, he or she can just jump into a vehicle, scan their card and drive. A dream situation for those who work on servicing in depots. If the driver has a positive result, ie is not confirmed sober, a discreet message is sent to the manager who can take appropriate action, according to company policy.


Here you will find examples of some tailored solutions.


Here you will find our OEM solution. Our sensor can add value by being integrated into your design or as an aftermarket product.

Here you can find a solution where the test takes 9 seconds per person. The team checks in to their shift, then they are ready for an immediate departure.


City Bus

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A road safety system that raises barriers to illegal driving and checks the fitness to drive in a fraction of the time compared to today's technology.

Rail transport

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The train driver can “check-in sober” (system used nationwide in Sweden at the rail operator SJ today)

Truck manufacturer

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Here you will find our OEM solutions where you can be offered solutions that are integrated into your design or as an aftermarket product.

Bus manufacturer

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Here you will find opportunities to adapt the buses so that they become part of Safe Start.

Emergency services

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Here you will find a solution that takes 9 seconds / person. The team checks in for their shift using our Wall unit, then they are ready for immediate call.

Recycling companies

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Say you have 100 cars, then you invest approx. £150,000 in alcolocks. We dare to say that you can invest a tenth and increase security in the company


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Invest in unknown technology?


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If you use random manual alcohol control, you should look at this option.


Simplified, the system consists of four devices that can be combined in different ways. There are also additional options like a built-in camera or connection to fleet management systems.

Senseair Wall

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This is our wall-mounted device, where your employees can check in sober or unlock vehicles through the network. Connected, of course.

Senseair Go

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This is our vehicle mounted device, where your employees can check in sober and unlock the vehicle. Connected, of course.

Senseair Dashboard

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The web-based interface provides flexible access to management and administrative functions.


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A successful launch is beneficial to all

We work constantly to improve requests from our clients

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Please find our statement regarding Alcotests and Covid-19

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Let's meet!

It's great to offer something that was impossible yesterday. The challenge is to explain how easy it is. Therefore, our advice is that you contact us and let us show how it works. It could start with a simple phone call where you just want answers to some questions. Or we will listen and find you a solution.