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Senseair Sesame alcohol solution presented for UITP in Brussels

A new generation alcohol sensing technology/alcolock has been developed by Senseair research and product development. The product is discreet and touch-free (ie, the one who tests himself only needs to scan his ID card, exhale and pass).

Go to Swedish version >>

Last week the product was presented to the senior management of the UITP (International Association of Public Transport). The general secretary of the global organization Mohamed Mezghani leads the work to create safer public transport and sees the Swedish sensor Senseair Sesame as an important piece of this puzzle.

"Swedish procurers are at the forefront of demands for sober transportation, and we see that development must go the same way in the rest of the world", says Raimo Gester, responsible for Alcohol Sensing Technology at Senseair.

Mohamed Mezghani sees Swedish technology as a good solution to a sensitive issue, which today is hampered by integrity problems. In many countries, it is impossible for public procurement to demand sober control because of integrity.

"The meeting means that we have opened new windows for export of Swedish technology and security. We could see that everyone was impressed when they tested the technology – which also saves a lot of time. The time is often an excuse of not testing but with Senseair Sesame this is not a valid argument" commented Lennart Jangälv, senior advisor for Senseair.

The general secretary of the global organization Mohamed Mezghani is trying out Senseair Sesame.


For more information, a demo or an interview please contact:


Raimo Gester
+46 73 384 44 72


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